Red herring is an old concept and is often used in movies and novels. This means that employees use irrelevant information to distract you from the irrelevant ones. In this chapter, we will talk about all the different employee surveillance methods and how employees fool them. Over the years, employees have come up with a number of ways to cheat time tracking systems. Employees condemn these surveillance tactics and in a lot of cases, start tampering with them to fool their managers. A lot of time trackers today also have employee surveillance features, allowing managers to spy on their employees’ desktops by accessing their webcam, tracking keystrokes, taking screenshots, and doing much more. These tools come with a lot of additional features like performance insights, project management, invoice generation, and more. Time trackers are SaaS applications designed to resolve this concern using a desktop app to capture employee working hours, so managers can see a clear overview of the daily and weekly team performances. This was a legit managerial concern since productivity levels across teams began to plummet. In fact, being unable to see if an employee is slacking at home or actually spending time working is one of the biggest conundrums of remote workforce management to date. On the flip side, managers were somewhat skeptical of the idea as it took away their power to keep a watch on their teams.
When remote work got into full swing, employees loved it because who doesn’t want to work from the comfort of their homes.